Luna Eriksson

Luna Eriksson's Latest Reviews

 - Nintendo 3DS Wii U Gaming

Cubed3 goes on a trip to a Supposedly Wonderful Future, one without ageing, extreme poverty, and most other social issues.

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 - Nintendo 3DS Wii U Gaming

Humankind is at the brink of extinction and project Lil Tanks is its last hope in this shoot 'em up adventure.

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 - Nintendo 3DS Wii U Gaming

Cubed3 takes a look at the adorable puzzle platformer Sling Ming for PC.

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 - Nintendo 3DS Wii U Gaming

What if Punch-Out got a re-release as an action game and with a cartoony noir tone with a duck-man as the protagonist?

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 - Nintendo 3DS Wii U Gaming

The Epic Car Factory is open and the goal is to make the best cars anyone has ever created, and YOU are in charge.

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Luna Eriksson's Latest Features

 - Nintendo 3DS Wii U Gaming

What would a Zelda anniversary be without a top 10 cosplays list? Well... One without one, but here is one anyway!

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 - Nintendo 3DS Wii U Gaming

Have you ever felt that you have played that brand new game before? Maybe it's déjà vu, or, more likely, just another AAA title...

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 - Nintendo 3DS Wii U Gaming

What is it that separates a classic from just a great game? What is it that makes a game reach the highest level of praise?

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 - Nintendo 3DS Wii U Gaming

Few sub-cultures are as parodied and have such an over the top stereotypical picture as the otaku community. What is an otaku, though?

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 - Nintendo 3DS Wii U Gaming

Does paying full price for a game mean that the entire experience is included? Nowadays that answer is definitely no.

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Luna Eriksson's Latest Previews & Hands-On

 - Nintendo 3DS Wii U Gaming

It's time to take a look upon the fields as Cubed3 tries to figure out the quality of the crops planted with Pure Farming 2018.

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 - Nintendo 3DS Wii U Gaming

Delve into the universe of HOUND, create life, and come on a journey to when the world was new.

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 - Nintendo 3DS Wii U Gaming

Cubed3 delves deep into the in-development underwater exploration game IronFish.

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Luna Eriksson's News Posts

Title Date Comments
Review: Supposedly Wonderful Future (PC)04.06.20180
Review: Lil Tanks (PC)03.06.20180
Review: Sling Ming (PC)03.06.20180
Review: Pato Box (PC)02.06.20180
Review: Epic Car Factory (PC)02.06.20180
Review: Azure Saga: Pathfinder (PC)14.04.20180
Review: The Orient Express (iOS)31.03.20180
Review: Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp (iOS)24.03.20180
Review: South Park: Phone Destroyer (iOS)24.03.20180
Review: Kitty Powers’ Love Life (PC)22.03.20180
Preview: Pure Farming 2018 (PC)04.03.20180
Review: Cat Quest (PlayStation 4)17.02.20180
Review: Energy Invasion (Nintendo Switch)15.01.20180
Review: Bleed 2 (PC)14.01.20180
Review: Etrian Odyssey V: Beyond the Myth (Nintendo 3DS)06.01.20180
Review: Chaos;Child (PlayStation 4)02.01.20180
Review: Hyakki Castle (PC)20.12.20170
Review: Ben 10 (Nintendo Switch)03.12.20170
Review: Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth (PlayStation 4)20.11.20170
Review: Trulon: The Shadow Engine (PlayStation 4)18.11.20174
Review: Farming Simulator Nintendo Switch Edition (Nintendo Switch)16.11.20170
Review: X-Morph: Defense (PlayStation 4)07.11.20172
Review: JYDGE (PlayStation 4)07.11.20170
Review: Pinball FX3: Universal Classics Pinball (PlayStation 4)06.11.20170
Review: Just Dance 2018 (Nintendo Switch)01.11.20170
Review: Touhou Kobuto V: Burst Battle (PlayStation 4)23.10.20172
Review: Rock of Ages 2: Bigger & Boulder (PlayStation 4)13.10.20170
Review: Splasher (PlayStation 4)02.10.20170
Review: Ticket to Ride: First Journey (iOS)01.10.20170
Review: Tekken (iOS)30.09.20170
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